Monday, September 2, 2024

The Hidden World of Psychometry


Reading the Soul of Things


Do objects have Souls?

Many supporters of  Psychometry assert that it is a form of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), that leads to the ability to read the soul, the emotional and intellectual energy (or the history) of an inanimate object to glean knowledge - to discover facts or impressions about an event or person associated with it. They believe that an object has an energy field that it retains and that it transfers knowledge regarding its past (a Soul).

Joseph Rodes Buchanan

Do You Know?

Psychoscopy is another term used for Psychometry. Taken from the Greek language, psychometry simply translated means " the spirit soul and measure", also known as 'token object reading'.

In 1842, it was Joseph Buchanan who coined the word "psychometry". A professor of physiology Buchanan has been known to be referred to as the architect of the spiritual world. He advanced the idea that all things give off or produce something, expressing a quality or feeling. In other words, objects store information about their history. He asserted "The past is entombed in the present; the world is its own enduring monument; and that which is true of its physical, is likewise true of its mental career. The discoveries of psychometry will enable us to explore the history of man, as those of geology enable us to explore the history of the earth. "

Psychometry can also be referred to as  A clairsentient diving method  (clairsentience meaning 'clear feeling'), clairtangency (meaning the physical sense of touching - the ability to read information through touch) and ‘sensing with the fingers’. 

A basic explanation. Psychometry can be viewed as tapping into the energy or vibrations within an object - to receive energetic impressions of a person through holding an object they own (past and present).

Objects such as jewellery, keys, photographs, crystals, clothing, furniture, books and similar tokens are used by psychometrists. 


A degree of lowered consciousness  (a trance-like state) is thought to improve psychometric “readings.”

The Psychic Touch. Throughout history, the reading of inanimate objects has long been popular with psychics and spiritualists as a tool to make contact (talk) with the departed. Over time it has become more and more popular as a way to get in touch with our loved ones who have passed.

Psychometry is used in a variety of situations, often by psychics, mediums, and paranormal investigations. It can be used to provide readings or insights about various subjects, such as missing persons, objects of historical significance, or even future events. 

The majority of practitioners of psychometry believe it is possible to read and connect with other beings both living and deceased.

When used in Paranormal investigations, psychometry offers a unique perspective. As a tool, it serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms to gain information about past events or to detect the presence of spirits. It provides insight not accessible through conventional means. 

Psychometrists can pick up images or visions from the physical presence of a person corresponding to real facts in the life of the subject, including sometimes into their future.

Many psychometrists are empaths, psychics who rely on energy and emotions to provide guidance and support to others. They use their intuitive abilities to connect with the energy emitted by an object, allied to its unique energy signature that carries a story.


There are Three Forms of Psychometry

Object Psychometry, is the most common form. In this form of psychometry, a rapport is established with the object and its energies by touching the object to read its imprints which occurs in one of three ways (as outlined below). By holding the object in the hands or placing it against the forehead or face, impressions are received about the owner of the object or events surrounding the object's history.
  1. Holding the object in the hands.
  2. Placing the object against the forehead and/or face.
  3. Placing the object against the solar plexus.
Location Psychometry, simply put, when broken down this form of psychometry can be viewed as similar to those feelings of Deja Vu. The sensation of having been somewhere before yet you've never been there. Happenings, particularly strong emotional events, leave traces, and imprints of the location where they occur which can be read.

Person Psychometry, the last form of psychometry is based on the concept that we each have a unique energy field around us. A classical example of Person Psychometry is when we assess the mood of someone without speaking to them? Often when we meet someone for the first time, we are either instantly drawn to them or repelled by that person? We may not know why these imprints (impressions/feelings) occur, but they often register quite strongly with us.

 The Bottom Line

Psychometry remains a subject of interest within both paranormal and metaphysical communities. It was founded upon and is believed to work because all things in the universe are interconnected through a web of energy, making it possible for objects to hold memories and experiences. If we are to trust this concept, psychometry is a highly tuned skill that we can all acquire which allows us to read the energy given off by inanimate objects. Once learned, through reading objects, we can glean much about their previous owners, and come to understand what’s in the mind or heart of their current owner. What is interesting is that we don’t often believe or realise that an object can hold energy and has a story to tell. But why!

There you have it. It's clear, there is far more to psychometry than meets the eye. It's all about 'Touch' and 'Sense'. It can be said that readings can be attributed to coincidence. The belief of many a sceptic. However, the supporters of psychometry, of which there are many today, swear by its effectiveness in connecting with the past and uncovering hidden stories. As with many aspects of the paranormal, belief in psychometry often depends on personal experiences and viewpoints. In saying this, fact or fiction the concept of psychometry undoubtedly provides us with an interesting and enlightening method for working with the energy of inanimate objects.

Check it out, if this article has whet your appetite to know more about psychometry or if you’re sensitive to emanations and feel you may be able to read items yourself and would like to know more as a great starting point we recommend visiting, and the various websites credited in this article.

Our next topic will be 'Crystal Ball and Scrying'.

Until then, as they say in Paraguay “Ahata-ayu”

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