Saturday, May 18, 2024

Quotes: Nourish The Heart, Mind and Soul


Famous Author: The novel 'The Alchemist' was an international best-seller.

    - Paul Coelho

Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks

Tarot Magic Unveiled: Transform Your Life


Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: Unlock Your Intuition

The Major Arcana Deck (O - XXI) 

(II) The High Priestess 

Number (II):               Duality
                                        Balancing opposite force (positive-negative) 
                                        Reasoning, Knowledge, Wisdom

Arcana:                         Major - represents the cycle in life while emphasises the
                                         importance of the card's meaning and timing (i.e., a major 
                                         life event and currently powerful energies at work)                                        
Card Meaning:              Wisdom, Knowledge
                                          Secret, Mystery

 Zodiac Sign:                  Cancer 

Element:                          Water 

Planet:                              Moon (personality of the subconscious)


Symbolism: Archetypal Worlds and Key


The Human Creation World. Pillars/Columns: Black (negative life force-
pictured on the left side), White (positive life force-pictured on the right side)

Veil: Something hidden from view

Cloak: Withdrawal from the world to an advanced state of mind

The Spiritual World. Holy/Solar Cross: Spirit of the higher plane/union
 positive  and negative)
Crescent Moon: Cyclic phases, divine light, mediation, reflection, imagination,
instinctive, contact with a higher source
Scroll: Secret knowledge


Purple: dignity, wisdom, idealism, spirituality, compassion
White: purity, truth, sincerity, virtue of all kinds, highest spirituality
Yellow: element-air, mental-intellect, imagination-creativity, skill, balance
Blue: balanced spiritual understanding, light blue - inspiration, deep blue - 

Story Line: Reading the Card

I know. "I have the knowledge within me ”.  I trust my intuition to guide me. 
I will listen to, use and harness my intuition - I trust my soul's power. The 
High Priestess often appears in a reading when we need to trust our instincts 
and believe in ourselves…the answer lies within me. A time to explore 
hidden talents.

Coming next... (III) The Empress

Until then, as they say in Egypt , Ma'a El Salama

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Nostradamus: The Enigmatic Prophecies of a Renaissance Seer


Amazing Prophecy: Seer, French Astrologer, Physician, Author, Translator, Astrologer and Apothecary (Pharmacist)

The Man Who Saw Through Time!

Michael de Nostradame, usually Latinised as Nostradamus was born on the 14th of December 1503 in Saint-Remy-de Provence (France) and died at age 62 on 2nd July 1566. He is considered one of the most accurate prophets in history by many. It is said he even predicted his death. When his assistant wished him goodnight on July 1, 1566, Nostradamus reputedly pronounced, "You will not find me alive at sunrise." He was found dead on July 2, 1566.

The Early Years: Mysterious Awakening, Unexplained Prophecy

In his early years, Nostradamus was a Physician and developed some very progressive methods for dealing with the plague. Also, during this time,  while travelling throughout Italy, Nostradamus experienced a Mysterious Awakening, an unexplained prophecy, when he came upon a group of Franciscan monks, he identified one as the future Pope. The monk, called Felice Peretti, was ordained Pope Sixtus V in 1585, fulfilling his prediction.

The Later Years: Notoriety, King Henry's Court and The Magnum Opus – Les Prophecies (The Prophecies)

Later in life, Nostradamus became famous and in demand by many of Europe’s elite. Catherine de Medici, the wife of King Henri II of France, was one of Nostradamus’s greatest admirers.  After familiarising herself with his almanacs of 1555, where he inferred at unnamed threats to her family, she summoned him to Paris to explain and draw up horoscopes for her family.  A few years later, she made him Counsellor and Physician-in-Ordinary to King Henri’s Court. In 1556, while serving in this position Nostradamus also explained another prophecy from "Centuries I", which was assumed to refer to King Henri. The prophecy told of a “young lion” who would overcome an older one on the field of battle. The young lion would pierce the eye of the older one and he would die a cruel death.  Nostradamus warned the King he should avoid ceremonial jousting.  ‘Low and behold’, three years later, when King Henri was 41 years old, he died in a jousting match when a lance from this opponent pierced the king’s visor and entered his head behind the eye deep into his brain.

Nostradamus’s book, the magnum opus – Les Prophecies (the Prophecies), published in 1855, made him notorious.  The book contained his prophecies for the next ten centuries.  From the time of its publication and Nostradamus’s death, the book has rarely been out of print, earning him fame. It has attracted a loyal following, including much of the popular press, that credits him with accurately predicting many pivotal major world events in history.

Famous Predictions 

That Time Has Proved Right

The Covid Pandemic
The Terrorist Attack on New York (9/11)
The Death of Princess Dianna

The Death of the Kennedy Brothers

The Moon Landing

The Atomic Bomb

The Rise of Adolph Hitler and World War I

The Coming of Napoleon

The French Revolution

The Great London Fire

The Failed Prophecy of Persia

The Invention and Flight of the Montgolfier Balloon

The Identification of a Future Pope

 Brace Yourself: Looking Ahead

According to Nostradamus, the world is slated to end in the year 3797. He was not called the 'Prophet of Doom' for nothing. According to his 1555 texts Les Propheties (The Prophecies), 2024 will continue to bring more war, famine and disaster.

Six Significant Predictions for 2024

Royal Family Tumult:  There will be a new British King. a  "King of the Isles" will be 'driven out by force' by a man "with no mark of a king".
Climate Catastrophe: “The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen he wrote, that there will be “Very great famine through pestiferous wave” suggests extreme weather and widespread hunger.
Further, the world will witness a massive earthquake in 2024. He even went so far as to pinpoint the natural disaster to occur off the coast of Japan, saying tsunami waves would follow, killing hundreds.
Volcanic eruption, according to Nostradamus, there will be a massive volcanic eruption on Italy's Mount Etna. He predicted the eruption for late in the year or very early 2025. He said it will be the worst volcanic eruption since 79AD or 1631, both on Mount Vesuvius.
International Conflict and War. "Combat and Naval Battle" coming from a red adversary who would "become pale with fear, putting the great ocean in dread.
This is one of Nostradamus’s many predictions that signal the knowledge of another war – perhaps with China?
Head of the Catholic Church, the Bishop of Rome: "Through the death of a very old Pontiff, a Roman of good age will be elected. Is Nostradamus foretelling the death of Pope Francis, who is experiencing poor health?
Glaziers Melt, A Deadly Virus: According to Nostradamus, researchers will discover the existence of an incredibly deadly virus 40,000 years old. Bacteria from the virus will slowly be released into the ocean’s waters as glaciers melt, killing many people. This prophecy seems to indicate an awareness of the concept of global warming.
Mechanical Organs and Technological Prowess: Nostradamus predicted that with the help of science, humans will begin living longer. He said that the lifespan of humans could be extended thanks to the development of mechanical organs. Further, in 'The Prophecies' he concludes, within one of his Quatrains, a dramatic portrayal of the ensuing conflict - a battle not just force, but of ideologies and ethics, as humanity faces the unforeseen consequences of its technological prowess. The future unfolds in unchartered territory where the lines between creator and creation blur, setting the stage for a profound transformation of the world as we know it, Was this the coming of Artificial Intelligence?


Although Nostradamus sometimes missed the mark regarding exact dates, it’s clear from seeing his predictions that he was a talented seer who could forecast events that would only occur centuries later and his predictions continue to this day. It is astonishing how extremely accurate his predictions have been over the years and there is no doubt that his prophecies were and are astounding. Whatever his method or intentions, Nostradamus’s timeless predictions continue to be popular to this day, they are a point of fascination for many people in the world.

Our next Legend, Influencer, Renowned Figure and Prophetic Voice will be Baba Vanga: The Blind Mystic with Far-Reaching Visions

Until then, as they say in Mauritius, "Salam

Monday, May 6, 2024

Quote - Carl Jung: Your Vision and Evolution



"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

- Carl Jung


The I Ching: Wise, Intriguing and Captivating


Credit: by Neil Powel (Author) and Kieron Connolly -

Deciphering the Mysteries of the 

I Ching Oracle

At least 3,000 years old, the I Ching also known as The “Book of Changes”, is an ancient Chinese book of divination and a source of Confucian and Taoist philosophy. It is the oldest surviving system of divination on earth. In very simplistic terms the I Ching is a form of Cleromancy (divination using the casting of lots). It can take many forms, such as rolling dice, separating sticks (stalks) or in referring to the I Ching, the tossing of coins.

Do You Know?

In China and East Asia, the I Ching has been the most consulted of all books, as it is believed to explain everything. 

Originally, the I Ching was a divination manual in the Western Zhou period (1000-750BC). Throughout the Warring States and early imperial periods (500-200BC), it was translated into a cosmological text with a succession of philosophical commentaries known as the 'Ten Wings".

Confucius, ancient China's most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist was so impressed with the oracle, and how it helped inquirers access the "way of Heaven", that he assigned this book as one of the six Confucian Classics, the official books of the Chinese education system. 

Carl Jung, the psychologist, psychiatrist and founder of analytic psychology often referred to the I Ching, for himself and his patients.

Aleister Crowley, the English occultist, philosopher, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, mountaineer and founder of the religion of Thelma, was the first of the Caucasian race to use the I Ching for divination!. He was the first Westerner to approach the philosophical concepts of the I Ching as something valid. 

The guidance offered by the I Ching is pragmatic in that it acknowledges that people inherently have positive and negative character traits. Thus, it provides practical advice for successfully navigating difficult situations. 

How It Works (a basic introduction). The I Ching's core is its 64 hexagrams, which can be consulted as a divination system. Each hexagram is composed of six lines. Each horizontal line has either a broken or unbroken state, making the 64 hexagrams. Answers to issues (questions) and advice may be obtained by referring to the text accompanying one of the 64 hexagrams selected randomly.

I Ching hexagrams 0-64

                                              Credit: I_Ching_hexagrams_00-77.svg 

credit: the

The most common method of using the I Ching is by tossing three coins, using the heads-or-tails positions of the toss to determine either a solid Yang line, a broken Yin line, or a Yang or Yin line that's "Changing" (the process of becoming its opposite). Doing this six times produces a hexagram, and then flipping the changing lines to their opposite provides the "future" hexagram. The relevant parts of the I Ching which are then read (from a book) are the main description of both hexagrams plus the special description of those specific changing lines.
Taking this one step further, each hexagram has two trigrams the Upper and the Lower. Also, each trigram is assigned one of the eight elements repeated for the upper and lower trigrams. The eight elements are Heaven, Earth, Thunder, Water, Mountain, Wind, Fire, and Lake (as shown hereunder).


Each of these eight elements is also assigned an attribute.
  1. Heaven - The Creative
  2. Earth - The Receptive
  3. Thunder - The Arousing
  4. Water - The Abysmal
  5. Mountain - Keeping Still
  6. Wind - The Gentle
  7. Fire - The Clinging
  8. Lake - The Joyous
It should be noted that the I Ching is a profound and complex divination system. Knowing which symbol/s (hexagram/s) applies to any given reading can only be learned with experience and in time. The above 'barely touches the surface of explaining the I Ching, its purpose is to merely provide a very basic introduction and background to its composition. However, the more one works with the I Ching, the more one comes to realise that it truly is guided by a wise, ethics-based intelligence!

Mind Blowing: Remarkable Wisdom

The I Ching addresses every area of human life from love to war, birth to decline, and success (achievement) to failure (non-success), thus there are a thousand different readings found within the I Ching. This is what specifically sets this oracle apart.

How the I Ching Answers an Issue (question). An I Ching reading often refers to the background of an issue. More often than not it will provide a deep breakdown and transcendent framework of the issue (question). This permits a better understanding of the issue and allows the outcome to be predicted. Further, the I Ching can also, respond with very direct answers but only when the future is clear. Additionally, unlike other oracles, the I Ching can actually be very focused; it won’t present a vague set of meanings from which multiple, even conflicting, outcomes can be derived. It can literally convey: “Go for it.” Or “Stop.” Or “Watch out for hidden forces.” Or ”This isn’t the right time.” Finally, it may give any kind of response to a question, including a negative one.

It is not recommended to ask the I Ching to foretell an outcome of an issue beyond three months.

An I Ching reading can reflect the spirit and character of the time of an issue. The  I Ching can advise about 'right timing'. It can also give invaluable feedback on undertakings in progress, including their status, potential barriers to avoid or address, the right approach and attitude to adopt, and the forecast for success. Further, it can also offer advice on very personal affairs such as romantic interests, as well as family, friends and professional relationships.

To sum up, the I Ching is more than just a book. It is a living, breathing oracle. An invaluable guide that can impart remarkable wisdom. 

credit: - Confucius (c551-479B.C.). Chinese Philosopher. Gouache on paper, c. 1770. Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions (2006).

TIP:  For the I Ching Beginner
We suggest when beginning to learn the I Ching at first it is best to ignore the changing lines and interpret just a single hexagram during a reading. If you've ever studied the tarot, you can think of this as a simplified one-card reading. 
Next, once you're ready for deeper insight, we suggest you include in your readings an analysis of the changes.

 Note: For those whose curiosity has been aroused and are interested in having an I Ching reading we recommend going to (a renowned and reputable esoteric website, that offers free online I Ching readings).


Good luck and we wish you success with your endeavours.


Our next topic will be the Runes 

Until then, as they say in Chile, "C

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Poems: Dive into the World of Versus


            Awakening the Spirit: Verse of Inner Illumination

'Experience the Magic'

credit: Poem Hunter - Eve Morgan

Quotes: Nourish The Heart, Mind and Soul

  Famous Author: The novel 'The Alchemist' was an international best-seller.     - Paul Coelho Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks