Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Number One Tarot Card Learning Room: The Hierophant


Tarot Illumination: Empower Your Intuition

The Major Arcana Deck (O - XXI)  

(V) The Hierophant

Number V                Creative thought
                                     Moral Law
                                     Uncontrollable force (change)                                    

Arcana:                   Major - represents the cycle in life while emphasising 
                                     the importance of the card's meaning and timing (i.e., a
                                     major life event and currently powerful energies at work)

Card Meaning:     Tradition (morality and conformity)
                                       Higher Consciousness (gateway and change)
                                       Inspirational Teacher of Spiritual

Element:              Earth

Zodiac Sign:           Taurus

Planet:                      Venus

Symbolism: Archetypal Worlds and Key Symbols

The Human Creation World
Pillars: Left-Severity and Right-Mercy
Red Robe: The power of choice and self-conscious awareness

The Spiritual World World
Staff/Papal Cross: Holy Trinity - supreme status and spiritual leader
Triple Crown: The highest faculty - highest attainment of man in the spiritual
Hand-fingers (Two pointing upwards towards heaven and two towards
Crossed Keys: Authority, keys to the kingdom of heaven and balance
between conscious and subconscious
Moon Crest: Divine light, mediation, reflection, imagination, instinctive
contact with the higher plane, cyclic phases and mother-feelings


Brown: Material plane
Gold “cosmic mind”: Universal wisdom, understanding and intuitive abilities
Red: Element-fire, passion, acquisition and desire of any kind
White: Purity, truth, sincerity, virtue of all kinds and highest spirituality
Silver: Great mother, stability and neutrality

Story Line: Reading the card

I listen to wise counsel and learn to embody my spirituality, in doing so I stay grounded and authentic and share my learning with others. The Hierophant generally appears in a reading when we may find ourselves both learning and instructing. It represents profound insight about our self, the need to examine carefully and change for the good...'An eye-opening time'. Further, it signifies the need to follow our higher self (consciousness) and share our blessings and impart knowledge. The hierophant also indicates there is wise council at hand, a person who can offer good advice, who is a wise teacher and who can provide worldly information and guidance towards success. Signifies a time to both receive and give.

Coming next... (VI) The Lovers

Until then, as they say in Tibet, "Kahleh phe".

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