Sunday, August 25, 2024

Quotes: Nothing Is Impossible


Impossible Says 'I'm possible'


Credit: brainyquote.conm/quotes/yamamoto_tsunetomo - Nothing is impossible...

                                             "It always seems
                                               impossible until
                                                     its done."
                                                     - Nelson Mandella


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dive Deep Into Astrology's Star Signs: Revelations Await


Exploring the Zodiac Signs

Snap Shot: Sun Sign Virgo 

Photo by - created by magic media/gmlaurie - ancientpictureszodiac signs

Sun Sign and Symbol              Virgo: The Maiden (or Virgin) 
                                                          Service orientated. Innocent qualities.
                                                            Symbolises youth and the first stages of
                                                            growth. Reflects a logical, practical and
                                                            a systematic approach to life. Associated with
                                                            introspection, modesty, beauty, purity
                                                            patience, integrity and honour                                                              
Ruling Planet                              Mercury: The mind and communication.
                                                            Governs: Intellect,  the way a person thinks
                                                            learns, expresses themselves and verbal
                                                            dexterity. Rules: Logic, reason, awareness,
                                                            perception, rationalisation and the ability
                                                            to communicate. Associated with travel 
                                                            (short trips) siblings, writing, speaking and
                                                            books (learning)
  Element                                        Earth: The ground, stability, a foundation
                                                            for life and for structures of man and life.
                                                            Represents stability, practicality and a  
                                                            connection to the tangible world, reflecting
                                                            groundedness and reliability                                                   
Traits (keywords)                     Positive: Amenable, modest, calm,
                                                            organised, adaptable, sensible, supportive, 
                                                            efficient, industrious, capable, clever, altruistic,
                                                            intelligent, pragmatic, meticulous, serious,
                                                            perfectionist and health-conscious. Have
                                                            a practical, analytical, logical and rational
                                                            outlook and approach to life 
                                                         Negative: Highly sensitive, over-critical,
                                                            fussy, materialistic, small-minded,
                                                            demanding, restless, over-thinking,
                                                            judgemental and worried. Tends to be
                                                            self-critical, and suffer from unnecessary
                                                            shyness which leads to a lack of confidence

Driving Force                             Continuous improvement in personal and 
(feelings and emotions)         professional life. " Work is worship". A strong 
                                                            sense of duty and attention to detail. "Empath".
                                                            Lover of language, knowledge and being of 
                                                            service to loved ones - a desire to be involved
                                                            and needed. Builders and manufacturers 
                                                            through an artistic lens. A desire for
                                                            efficiency and perfection. Aims towards
                                                            stability and aspires for success. 'Thoughts of 
                                                            not amounting to anything therefore there
                                                            is no use in trying.' Not a lot of emotion is 
                                                            given to feelings and only express feelings
                                                            when there is no choice
                                                                                                                                               Ruling Body Parts                      Bowel-abdomen and digestive system and
                                                             spleen. Nervous system
Compatibility                             Best friends: Earth signs. Favourable: Pieces,
                                                            and Aquarius 
                                                            Soul mate/Love: Earth signs, Cancer,
                                                            Capricorn and Scorpio
                                                            Worst match: Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini
Colours                                         Earth Brown and Green 
                                                            Brown - Practical and conservative. 
                                                            Represents: Progressiveness, stability,
                                                            grounding and continuous growth.
                                                            Green - Symbolises: nurturing, diligence and
                                                            continuous growth. 
                                                            Secondary:  Calming Blue 
Lucky Day and Number        Wednesday: Mercury. Communication, 
                                                            analytical, rational thinking and clever wit.
                                                            3: Symbolises intellect, precision and strong
                                                            communication skills and ability to bring 
                                                            order and structure.  Secondary: 6
Other influences                       Flowers: Chrysanthemum
                                                            Secondary: Buttercup
                                                            Modern Sapphire/Jade
                                                            Traditional Zircon
                                                             Mystical Agate
                                                             Health and Healing Foods: The Cell Salt
                                                             is potassium sulphate. Foods include oats, 
                                                             whole wheat, lemons, black olives, almonds
                                                             chicory, cheese, lean beef and lamb. 
                                                             A regular diet of vegetables, rice, lassi and
                                                             daal is a must. Superfood: Pumpkin seeds 
                                                             (foods rich in magnesium). Herb: Fennel. 
                                                             Avoid: Cold drinks and chocolate. Food 
                                                             should not be highly seasoned spicy, laden
                                                             with sauces/gravies and or fried

Photo by NY Post Photo composite; Getty 

Coming next is Libra (The Scales), Sep 22 - Oct 21.

Until then, as they say in Cambodia, "Choum Reap".

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Poems: Self-fulfilling Prophecy

                              We become what we
                                       choose to tell...

Credit: nice quotes.

Poem by: p.bodi

Friday, August 16, 2024

Jeane Dixon: White House Psychic Advisor


"Sometimes called the Seeress of Washington" 

Jeane Dixon (1904 - 1997)


Who was Jeane Dixon 
One of America’s best-known psychics and astrologers during her lifetime. Famous for her predictions about political figures, celebrities, and world events and her syndicated newspaper astrology column

Advisor to three presidents (Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagon) and much more...
Dixon came to the public's attention when the newspapers announced she had tried to warn Kennedy before his assassination. She also gained public awareness through her syndicated newspaper astrology column and biography 'A Gift of Prophecy': The Phenomenal Jeane Dixon, Published in 1965. The book sold over 3 million copies and was the most famous of the seven books she wrote. During her lifetime she became a psychic of national prominence.

Jeane Dixon Prophecies. Notable predictions 

Political Fiqures. Although she was not interested in world affairs or politics, Dixon repeatedly foresaw the change of state leaders.

The Assassination of JFK. In 1963 she prophesied that a 'tall young man with blue eyes would assassinate Kennedy. President Kennedy was assassinated on the 22nd November, 1963. 
Richard Nixon President of the United States. Dixon foretold that Richard Nixon would become president of the United States, which he did in 1968.
Death of Mahatma Ghandi. Dixon predicted the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in the late 1940s. He was killed in 1948.
The presidency and death of President Franklin Roosevalt. In a 1956 issue of Parade magazine, Jeane Dixon stated that a Democrat would win the presidency in 1960 and either be assassinated or die in office.
The defeat of Winston Churchill. Upon being introduced to Churchill, it was reported, that she said to him: "It is best not to have an early election; otherwise you will be defeated".  She said, " Temporary defeat does not matter. After a few years, the British power will be in your hands once again". Churchill lost the election in Jun 1945. He made his comeback 6 years later when he became Prime Minster

Further significant Dixon divinations worthy of mention: 

The Exxon Valdez oil spill. She predicted there would be a huge shipping disaster in 1989, which was the year of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
Russia Satellite Launch. Dixon famously said on NBC television "A silver ball will emerge from Russia, to travel in space". She is credited for forecasting the Russian launch of the Sputnik satellite.
Aids. She foretold of The Coming of the "Great Plague", in 1978 (AIDS).
International Figures. Dixon made a series of predictions concerning global prominent figures, for instance, the plane crash of UN Secretary, General Dag Hammarskjold. He was killed in a plane crash in 1961.
Hollowood Psychic Career. Renowned for meeting with celebrities and famous personalities. 
Carole Lombard. In 1942 when she met film actress Carole Lombard she told her that it would be dangerous for her to travel by plane within the next six weeks. It took Lombard the tossing of a coin to believe Dixon's prophesy regarding her planned trip. Instead, she travelled by train. However, due to her changing her plans during her journey, wanting to get home quicker, she decided to go by plane. While flying the plane encountered a violent storm and crashed, killing her. 
Ophrah Winfrey. In 1977 Ophray Winfrey met with Jeane and it has been reported that she told her she would have a huge career and millions of fans. 

Famous Jeane Dixon Quotes (1904 - 1997).

" I feel that I am looking down from a higher plane and wondering why others cannot see what I am seeing."

"I seem no longer to be in the same atmosphere. I feel a peacefulness and a love that are indescribable."

"We must realize our own talents and, having realized accept them: and play on them like a sympathy in which all other instruments are harmonized to make a better universe."

While no psychic can be 100% accurate all the time, there is no denying that many are exceptionally gifted. Jeane Dixon's is one of them. Like most people who make their livings from pursuits like astrology and psychic prediction not all of her prophecies have come true. Thus her psychic ability is surrounded by controversy. Nevertheless, she was and remains loved and defended by those who embrace New Age thinking, follow astrology, and believe in the ability to predict the future.

Known to millions, Jeane Dixon: Not likely to be forgotten.


Our next Legend, Influencer, Renowned Figure and Prophetic Voice 
will be Joan of Arc - The illiterate French peasant girl who changed the course of history.

Until then, as they say in the Caribbean, "Mi Gaan".

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Quotes: The Greatest Treasures

     Follow your heart unconditionally,
               for it will show you many great things.

Credit: -

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Number One Tarot Card Learning Room: The Hierophant


Tarot Illumination: Empower Your Intuition

The Major Arcana Deck (O - XXI)  

(V) The Hierophant

Number V                Creative thought
                                     Moral Law
                                     Uncontrollable force (change)                                    

Arcana:                   Major - represents the cycle in life while emphasising 
                                     the importance of the card's meaning and timing (i.e., a
                                     major life event and currently powerful energies at work)

Card Meaning:     Tradition (morality and conformity)
                                       Higher Consciousness (gateway and change)
                                       Inspirational Teacher of Spiritual

Element:              Earth

Zodiac Sign:           Taurus

Planet:                      Venus

Symbolism: Archetypal Worlds and Key Symbols

The Human Creation World
Pillars: Left-Severity and Right-Mercy
Red Robe: The power of choice and self-conscious awareness

The Spiritual World World
Staff/Papal Cross: Holy Trinity - supreme status and spiritual leader
Triple Crown: The highest faculty - highest attainment of man in the spiritual
Hand-fingers (Two pointing upwards towards heaven and two towards
Crossed Keys: Authority, keys to the kingdom of heaven and balance
between conscious and subconscious
Moon Crest: Divine light, mediation, reflection, imagination, instinctive
contact with the higher plane, cyclic phases and mother-feelings


Brown: Material plane
Gold “cosmic mind”: Universal wisdom, understanding and intuitive abilities
Red: Element-fire, passion, acquisition and desire of any kind
White: Purity, truth, sincerity, virtue of all kinds and highest spirituality
Silver: Great mother, stability and neutrality

Story Line: Reading the card

I listen to wise counsel and learn to embody my spirituality, in doing so I stay grounded and authentic and share my learning with others. The Hierophant generally appears in a reading when we may find ourselves both learning and instructing. It represents profound insight about our self, the need to examine carefully and change for the good...'An eye-opening time'. Further, it signifies the need to follow our higher self (consciousness) and share our blessings and impart knowledge. The hierophant also indicates there is wise council at hand, a person who can offer good advice, who is a wise teacher and who can provide worldly information and guidance towards success. Signifies a time to both receive and give.

Coming next... (VI) The Lovers

Until then, as they say in Tibet, "Kahleh phe".

Dive Deep Into Astrology's Star Signs: Revelations Await

  Exploring the Zodiac Signs Snap Shot: Sun Sign Libra Photo by - created by magic media/gmlaurie - ancientpictureszodiac signs Su...