Saturday, June 15, 2024

Baba Vanga: Blind Prophetess and Healer

The Bulgarian mystic reported to have no less than an 85 per cent accuracy rate 

Credit: Wikipedia Commons

Renowned for her reputed ability to foresee major global events

Born at the time of the Ottoman Empire on 31 January 1911, Baba Vanga died on 11 August 1996 at the age of 85 years. Vangelia Pandeva Guseinov, commonly known as Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian Mystic and healer who claimed to have foreseen the future. She is rumoured to have predicted some of the biggest events in world history. Baba died more than a quarter of a century ago and many of her predictions are said to have come true long after her death.

In the realm of mystical predictions, Bab Vanga reportedly made hundreds of predictions in her 50-year career.  The Bulgarian clairvoyant became likened to the famed Nostradamus and known as “Nostradamus of the Balkans”. The gifted seer has left behind a legacy of foreseeing significant global events.  Among others, she predicted the likes of the year of Joseph Stalin’s death, the 9/11 attack, the Chornobyl disaster, the election of the 44th U.S. president, who would be an African-American and the death of Princess Dianna. It is also believed she foresaw Global Warming and the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami when she warned: events of "Cold regions will become warm ... and volcanoes will awaken. "A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice." Other sources, even go as far as saying she foretold the rising of the ‘Isis”.

Pixabay/CCO Public Domain.

Already, six months in 2024 and the world has been 'put through the wringer'. Here is what the blind mystic had to say about the year 2024. Some of her prophecies have already come true while others are still materialising to this day. 

A Leap in the Realm of Medicine
New treatments, the prophetess predicted medical breakthroughs for incurable diseases, including Cancer and Alzheimer's. One of the gifted foreseers striking prophecies that might soon materialise is the cancer vaccine development by Russia. According to President Vladimir Putin, Russia is on the verge of discovering a cancer vaccine.

Deeper Economic Turmoil
The prophecy of a looming economic crisis has manifested, especially impacting countries like Japan and the United Kingdom. Japan and the UK are wrestling with an economic crisis as escalating international political tensions and skyrocketing debt levels lead to monetary strain, placing these nations under considerable pressure. In the UK, the country struggles with the aftermath of a recession triggered by high inflation and cost-of-living issues. Meanwhile, Japan's position slide in global standings underscores the severity of its economic challenges. Also, in the United States, millions of Americans are currently experiencing chronic inflation, painting a gloomy future full of financial struggle and hardship. The ‘knock-on’ effects of these downturns echo across the global economy.

Intense Rise in Terrorism and Biological Weapons Testing
The mystic warned of intensified terrorist activities in Europe and intimated the possibility of a "big country" engaging in biological weapons testing or attacks.

Credit: M55 (rocket)- wikipedia

Radical Climate Changes
Baba predicted a year fraught with climatic upheavals that would grip the world, terrifying weather events and natural disasters.

Rise in Cyber Attack and Warfare
The mystic predicted advanced hackers would target their attacks against critical infrastructure such as power networks and water treatment plants, posing severe national security threats worldwide.

Putin's Assassination
Political conspiracy, an attempt on the life of Russian President Vladimir Putin by a fellow countryman.

Tech Revolutions
A quantum computing breakthrough in technology computing, signifying advancements that could reshape the technological landscape on a global scale.

Into The Future

Ten bold predictions that will cause chaos in the world:

2025 By this time Europe will be devastated
2028 A new energy source ends world hunger and the revival of nature
2046 Cloning is commonplace
2076 Return of Communism
2088 A new disease will appear
2100 The dark side of the planet will be illuminated due to the development of a man-made sun
2111  The difference between humans and robots is undetectable
2125 Signals from outer space received in Hungary
2154 Animals become half-human
2167 A new religion emerges

2168 - 5078 If true mankind is in for one hell of a ride, an almost never-ending list of predictions

End of the World 5079

The Bulgarian prophetess's predictions stop when she predicts the world's end!

The Blind Bulgarian Mystic Baba Vanga

Coincidence or Clairvoyance?

As the year 2024 unfolds and these events appear to fall in line with Baba Vanga's predictions, we are left with a sense of astonishment and curiosity about the inexplicable realm of prophecy. We are also left with little doubt about the effects of the predicted events left behind by this gifted foreseer, her foresight leaves us musing about the unknown and somewhat in awe of her great legacy.

Baba Vanga, a gifted herbalist and healer, is considered by many to be one of the most powerful clairvoyants, particularly in terms of 20th-century political and natural occurrences. She is the most revered and formative figure in the world of mystics.

Our next Legend, Influencer, Renowned Figure and Prophetic Voice will be Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet, America's greatest psychic and most documented psychic of the 20th century.

Until then, as they say in Ukrainian, "Do pobachennya".

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