Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dive Into Numerology: A Beginners Guide to Cosmic Mathematics




A little History: What Is Numerology?

Numerology is a science. It is considered to be the most ancient and advanced science in the world. Numerological practices and beliefs have survived down the centuries to the present day. The roots of Numerology can be traced back some 10,000 years or more to Babylonia and Egypt. The fundamental assumption of numerology is that life, and the universe as a whole is a system of order, and numbers reflect that orderliness. Numbers are by definition orderly and they are everywhere we look. The practice of Numerology is grounded upon the statement of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, "The world is built upon the power of numbers”. He reasoned that the entire universe could be expressed numerically, creating a mystical system used by other early Greek philosophers. Pythagoras is often called the father of numerology. The system of numerology is a method of divination. It is also employed in the use of magic. Numerology became a system of divination and magic because both systems are based on the broader concept that the universe is composed of mathematical patterns, and all things can be expressed in numbers corresponding to universal vibrations. Therefore, all things, including names, words, birth dates and birthplaces, can be reduced to numbers to determine the personalities, destinies and fortunes of individuals. In simple terms, Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. It is the study of the mysterious and hidden meaning of numbers and their relevance to our existence and society. Numerology is the easiest way to know about a person and predict the future. It is a most authentic and accurate science.

Credit: album-review-goatchrist-pythagoras-2019/

How Numerology Works

First, everything in the universe vibrates at its particular frequency. Second, finding the vibration rate of any object, makes it possible to establish the qualities and energies associated with it. Third, by applying the principles of numerology and using only the name and birth date as the basic data we are able to determine the major frequencies of different people. Fourth and finally, a numerological analysis of the calculated frequencies provides significant information on these people's character and personality. 

The Basic Numerology Calculation

Numerology Chart – Pythagorean Conversion Table






































The Formula

The basic mathematical operation used in numerology is to reduce numbers by simple addition. Letters in individuals' names are converted to numbers and then added together. These numbers, in turn, are reduced to the single digits 1 through 9 except for the special master numbers 11 and 22. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22 represent the major vibration rates associated with people's characteristics. The practice is to total the numerical value of a name or word. The table above shows the numbers assigned to all 26 letters in the English alphabet.

Example: Determine letter numerical values from the above chart. For instance, we are using the name "John Smith".

JOHN:  J = 1  +  O = 6  +   H = 8  +  N = 5. Sum numerical value = 20

SMITH:  S = 1  + M = 4  +  I = 9 +  T = 2 +  H = 8. Sum numerical value = 24


Change the values to single digits:

JOHN = 20 and SMITH = 24 

20 + 24 = 44 = 4 + 4 = 8


 20 = 2 + 0 = 2

24 = 2 + 4 = 6

The sum of the single digits: 2 + 6 = 8 

Interpretation: The name, "John Smith" has a numerological value of 8. 

The Symbolism Of Numbers: Numeric Values and Characteristic Analysis

The symbolic analysis of the single digits and master numbers is the essence, and foundation of a numerological character analysis that underpins a numerology report. When you understand the basic symbolism of the numbers as outlined below, it is possible to interpret the various parts of a report. 

There are several interpretations of characteristics for numbers 1 through 9; the following represents a consensus.

Chart of Characteristics
of Numbers – Keywords



unity, creation, individuality, leadership, pioneering, independence, attainment


 duality, emergence, balance, harmony cooperation,  support, closeness


optimism, power, generative force, expressing self, sociability, enthusiasm, joy of living,  creativity


solidity, dullness, system and order, practicality, service, sense of limitation,  down-to-earth, working hard


constructive use of freedom, sensuality, pleasure, creativity, excitement, progressive, variety


 perfection, harmony, balance, love, support, comforting, serving and helping


search for truth, spiritual, mysticism, psychic, magic, understanding, analysis, introspective


 power, recognition, material, success, justice, accomplishment, 


spiritual, compassionate, mental achievement, selflessness, humanitarianism, giver, power,

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are said to be master numbers that are not reduced to a single digit. People whose names correspond to these numbers are said to be highly developed spiritually.

11: illumination, spiritual channel and teacher.
22: master builder, latent power, spiritual understanding of the material world, high ideals. Focuses considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind.
33: The master teacher, guidance to the world, high devotion-determination to seek understanding and wisdom and share. The number 33 is that of the avatar.

The Significant Parts of a Numerology Report

OF PRIMARY SIGNIFICANCE (At The Heart): The Four Core Elements - Numbers

By simply applying a mathematical formula to the numbers representing a person's name and birth date, numerologists derive ‘Four Major Core Elements’ (often referred to as the Four Core Numbers) and some ‘Twenty to Thirty Modifiers’.  A symbolic evaluation of these elements and modifiers provides a remarkably complete and accurate character analysis. Around half the information in the analysis comes from the birth date and half from the name. The Four Core Elements lie at the heart of the numerology analysis involving the personality portion of a reading. Much of the most important information in a numerology report is derived from the Four Core Elements. The Four Core Elements are the Life Path, Expression, Soul (Urge) and Birthday. 

LIFE PATH (also known as the Career Number). The Life Path is the most important number in the Core Elements and the most important number in a numerology report. If you could only use one number to describe a person, that number would, undoubtedly, be the Life Path. The Life Path describes the major lessons to be learned in a person's life. These lessons often determine the central focus of someone's life. The Life Path also clarifies the environment that is most conducive to learning the lessons involved and describes, as well, some of the major characteristics likely to be present in the individual's makeup. Most people have little trouble relating to their Life Path. 
The Life Path number is found by calculating the sum of the month, day and year of birth.

EXPRESSION (also known as the Destiny Number). The Expression is the second most important number in the Core Elements. It describes a person's potential talents, natural abilities as well as related character traits. It describes a person's potential talents, their natural abilities as well as their related character traits. Most of us have these talents and skills at birth, although they are usually further developed as an individual grows and matures. Often these particular abilities are of primary importance in a person's work and career. The talents, described by the Expression often form the central feature of an individual's career.
The Expression number is found by calculating the sum of the number values of all the letters in the name-for example, the letters in the full name appearing on the birth certificate. 

SOUL-URGE (also known as the Soul Number). The Soul-Urge is the third most important number in the Core Elements. It describes a person's inner motivation, what a person wants to be, to have and to do as well as the potential abilities and obstacles which accompany that motivation. The Soul-Urge is influential in determining a person's point of view and the principles on which they act.
The Soul-Urge number is found by calculating the sum of the number values of all the vowels in the full name. 

BIRTHDAY. The Birthday describes some important personality characteristics and is the least important of the Core elements.

The Birthday number is found simply by a reduced form of the number of the day on which a person is born. 

Numerologists maintain that each of us carries the perfect name that reflects our inner nature or being.


Numerology is a portal to our inner self. It provides a way to gain greater insight and understanding into our true nature and inner being. Revealing aspects of our character and personality in a way that is fresh and inspiring, Numerology provides a perspective not found in many other systems today. 

Note: The introduction above only attempts to explain the basics of this interesting discipline. It teaches how to change the letters in our name to numbers which reveals much about our personality and potential.

Until our next article, as they say in Argentina: "Chau, Adios, or Hasta Luego".

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