Sunday, July 28, 2024

Quotes: Challenge Yourself


                        The path to growth,

                                 try something different.           

                        Become all you are

                                destined to be.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dive Deep Into Astrology's Star Signs: Revelations Await


Exploring the Zodiac Signs

Snap Shot: Sun Sign Leo

Photo by - created by magic media/gmlaurie - ancientpictureszodiac signs

Sun Sign and Symbol              Leo: The Lion. 'Deathless courage'. Power
                                                            and Strength. Associated with the Sun.
                                                            Symbol of inner wisdom, leadership and 
Ruling Planet                              The Sun: The way a person asserts. It
                                                            represents the inner self - vitality, life force, 
                                                            personality, sense of identity, the future and
                                                            purpose in life. Deals with creative essence, 
                                                            the ability to radiate love and be confident
                                                            Rules the male influences dealing with the
                                                            the power urge, ego, strength, the will to
                                                            succeed, health, vitality and well-being.
                                                            Reveals motivating force and expectations

  Element                                        Fire: The initial spark of creation and  
                                                            intuitive. Represents passion, boldness-
                                                            daring, energy (intense-ferocious), courage, 
                                                            enthusiasm, charm, and  zest for life that
                                                            leads to adventurous endeavours                                                        
Traits (keywords)                    Positive: Confident, vibrant-alive, rational, 
                                                           charismatic, magnanimous, generous, loyal,
                                                           passionate, courageous, energetic, determined,
                                                           feisty, leadership, trustworthy, analytical, 
                                                           strong, powerful, wisdom, vivacious, theatrical 
                                                           and royal. Not afraid - likes to stand out in the
                                                           crowd and be in charge. 
                                                           Have command over their lives and
                                                           follow their own heart - which can be their 
                                                           strength and also be their downside
                                                           Negative: Domineering, stubbornness, 
                                                           find it difficult to accept change - inflexible,
                                                           can be oversensitive and closed off and can also 
                                                           sometimes become arrogant and egotistical -
                                                           love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate
Driving Force                            'Just Is'. Consider emotions as their driving
(feelings and emotions)        force, a strength. Comfortable with their 
                                                           feelings they can play them at their whim. 
                                                           Extremely passionate they don't hold back
                                                           expressing their emotions no matter how
                                                           vulnerable they may seem - they own up to
                                                           everything. A need for validation. Emotional
                                                           sensitivity can leave them feeling vulnerable 
                                                           and easily hurt. They have a tendency to hold
                                                           onto past emotional experiences, which can  
                                                           make it difficult to move on from negative
                                                           situations. Suffer from feelings of guilt, a fear 
                                                           of missing out on life's experiences and a need 
                                                           to dominate which can see them push forward,
                                                           sometimes to their detriment

Ruling Body Parts                   Heart, Spine and Upper Back

Compatibility                             Best friends: Fire signs. Favourable: Taurus,
                                                            Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
                                                            Soul mate/Love: Fire signs, Gemini, Libra
                                                            and Aquarius
                                                            Worst match: Virgo and Capricorn             
Colours                                         Orange: Associated with the dynamic energy
                                                            of the SunSymbolises creativity, enthusiasm,
                                                            vitality, success, passion and happiness.
                                                            Secondary: Gold

Lucky Day and Number        Sunday: The Sun, self, essence, focus of
                                                            energy and ego. 2: Represents leadership,
                                                            strength, confidence, self-actualisation,
                                                            creativity, charisma, ambition and the ability
                                                            to shine brightly

Other influences                       Flowers: Sunflower. Secondary: Yellow-Gold
                                                            /Orange Marigold, Safflower, Dalia and Clivia 
                                                            Modern Periodot/Jade
                                                            Traditional Sardonyx
                                                             Mystical Diamond
                                                             Health and Healing Foods: The Cell Salt
                                                             is magnesium phosphate. Foods include raw 
                                                             asparagus, egg yolk, rye, lemons, peaches, figs,
                                                             coconut, apples and sunflower seeds. 
                                                             Vegetables with high iron content should
                                                             be eaten regularly  and meat and honey are a
                                                             must. Superfood: Cinnamon. Avoid: Processed
                                                             and spicy foods, sugary drinks and difficult-to
                                                             digest diary foods

Photo by NY Post Photo composite; Getty 

Coming next is Virgo (The Maiden or Virgin) Aug 22 - Sep 21.

Until then, as they say in Vietnam, "Tam Biet".

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Poems: The Beautiful Mind


"We Are What We Think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world
-  Gautama Buddha

Credit: Poem Hunter: The Beautiful Mind - The Beautiful Mind Poem by joshua wickstrom

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Famous Trance Channeler



"Sleeping Prophet" and Father of Holistic Medicine 

Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945) 


Who was Edgar Cayce 
The most documented psychic of the 20th century, for more than 40 years of his life Edgar Cayce, the American medical clairvoyant, gave Psychic Readings to thousands of seekers. 

Proclaimed faith-healer and much more…
Edgar Cayce allegedly had the ability to diagnose illness, reveal lives lived in the past and foretell prophecies yet to come.
Cayce claimed to speak from his higher self while in a trance-like state (an unconscious state that connected himself with the universal consciousness). Referred to by many as the Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce is a world-famous phenomenon that needs no introduction to spiritual enthusiasts.
Although best known for his writings on the treatment of illness, his readings discuss nearly 10,000 different topics encompassing a vast array of themes and subjects, that offer insight into virtually every aspect of human life, spirituality and the Universe.
His readings can be narrowed down into eight categories:

Ancient Mysteries
Dreams and Dream Interpretation
ESP and Psychic Phenomena
Health-Related Information (including Holistic Health)
Life Purpose
Philosophy and Reincarnation
Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and Prayer.

Edgar Cayce Prophecies
Cayce’s predictions represent a vast body of subjects, some that have come true and predictions for 2024 and beyond which can also be grouped under eight classifications.

Discoveries in Archaeology and Science
Earth Changes and Natural Disasters
Environmental (Consciousness and Stewardness)
Medical – Healing and Wholeness (inc. Holistic)
Spiritual Awakening and Transformation
Unity and Cooperation (Evolution of Consciousness)

One of the Hallmarks of Cayce’s readings is the emphasis on the interconnected of the Mind, Body and Spirit (including Reincarnation and Karma and Human Spiritual Development and Enlightenment “The Nature of the Soul and Its Journey and Awakening to Life Purpose”).

Credit: By BenAveling - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Seven Key Prophecies that have come true
  1. In 1926, he made the connection between temperature changes in deep ocean currents and weather changes, a phenomenon now known as La Nina and El Nino.
  2. He foresaw future medical advances that would make it possible to make a diagnosis from a drop of blood – something that was unheard of when he made this prediction in 1927.
  3. The prediction of the stock market crash of 1929. The Great American Crash, or Black Tuesday.
  4. He foretold War II: The deadliest and most destructive war in history.
  5. Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Prediction of the discovery of ancient texts that would provide new insights into Christianity. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947.
  6. The Shifting of the Earth's Poles: Cayce predicted a shift in the Earth’s poles, which has been observed through the phenomenon of polar wander.
  7. Discovery of Atlantis: Cayce predicted that Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis: would be discovered off the coast of Bimini, and underwater structures resembling roads have been found in that area.
Significant Predictions for 2024 and Beyond (some of which may have already begun?)
  • Geographical changes that could affect millions of people, transform the known environment and alter the face of the earth in ways that are hard to imagine.
        Africa. Breaking into three parts. A split of this nature would see a new
         broader channel emerging as the Nile River and the Red Sea expand,
         potentially drowning Cairo beneath the waters.
        Asia (including nations such as India, China, Japan, Korea and the 
        Philippines). Cayce predicted very disastrous fates. He prophesied that the
        Pacific Ocean would move forward and cover the territories from the
        Philippines to Japan. Resulting in the majority of the coastal regions of the 
        world where millions of people reside in danger of being flooded.
        North America. Cayce stated how the West Coast was shifting east and
        creating new islands along the coast of California. Further, he foretold that 
        the Great Lakes would unite forming a water body that would drain to the 
        Gulf of Mexico.
        The eruption of the Italian Mount Etna and the Martinique Mount 
        Pelée. A trigger of a chain of events leading to massive shifts in
        Earth’s geography.
  • China’s Rise and Spiritual Transformation. Cayce prophesied a future where China would not only be an economic giant but also a radical great change in religion and spiritual awakening would occur, including a hub of Christianity, to the point whereby it becomes an influential component of Chinese society and culture. It suggests that in the future, China will not just be dominating in terms of economy but will also practice spiritual leadership. Cayce envisaged this change would occur over several generations.
  • Human Lifespan Extension. “Man should live much longer than has been ordinarily given — and will!”According to Cayce, technology, and medicine would assist in determining the length of human life, possibly beyond centuries. He foretold in the future, people could live much longer lives outside what can be imagined today.
  • A New Era of Human Evolution. Cayce foretells a future where humans would evolve and grow beyond their current mental and spiritual limitations - what he called a higher consciousness. According to Cayce, traditional ways of learning and living would become outdated and change drastically. We would become more sensitive and receptive to a higher form of knowledge, not just gained from reading, but from within, unlocking abilities and insights that seem impossible today.
  • A Major Global Conflict and Shift in Power Centred Around the Persian Gulf and Geopolitical Conflicts. Cage’s insights declare future hostilities in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and regions close to Australia. Also, these areas may potentially turn into critical areas of interest in geopolitical conflict. 
  • Further, Cayce hints at more profound shifts in the balance of power on the international level. He ‘witnessed’ a change like leadership in the world and believed that countries like Russia could be of immense help.
  • The discovery of the design for a self-fueling perpetual-motion machine.
  • Cage foretells of the conditions surrounding the perfection of the motor which will develop power in its own action and be capable of providing power for the whole world.

The International headquarters of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment, Incorporated - founded in 1931 by Edgar Cayce).


Hundreds of books have been written about Cayce and his prophecies. His predictions, those mentioned alongside many others serve as a reminder of the potential for change and the continued mystery of the future. They provide a fascinating glimpse into possible future scenarios.
There is little doubt that Cayce’s visions challenge our perceptions and provoke thoughtful consideration of what the future might hold.
Today thousands of individuals from all walks of life and belief receive physical relief from illness or ailments through the information given in his readings, even though some are over 100 years old.
Further, numerous Academics consider Cayce the founding source of many of the New Age movement's principles and philosophies. Many followers and practitioners of the New Age, among other groups worldwide testify to the physical and spiritual benefits of the works derived from Cayce’s writings now held in the International Headquarters of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. 

The consensus is that Edgar Cage's readings have and will continue to improve the lives of thousands worldwide.

An Ode to Renowned Figures, Legends and Influences

Beyond the veil of time and space


A Poetic Glimpse Into Famously Accurate Psychic Predictions

                                    Beyond the veil of time and space,
                                    Where mysteries dwell, and secrets pace,
                                    Lies a realm where truth’s concealed,
                                    And psychic whispers are revealed.

                                    From Nostradamus’ cryptic quatrains,
                                    To Cayce’s visions and Dixon’s domains,
                                    Baba Vanga‘s sightless gaze,
                                    Their prophecies set hearts ablaze.

                                    We journey through this enigmatic land,
                                    Seeking answers, hand in hand.

Credit: Psychic Junkie
The Famously Accurate Psychic Predictions That Time Proved Right - Ian Parkin author of the post 

Our next Legend, Influencer, Renowned Figure and Prophetic Voice will be Jeane Dixon: Astrologer, Psychic and Seer - supposedly an advisor to several presidents, syndicated columnist, actress and a best-selling biographer.

Until then, as they say in Ireland, "Slan".


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Quotes: A Beautiful Life

A Beautiful Mind - Noor E Baseerat -
a beautiful life begins with a beautiful mind, Beautiful mind, Sign Quotes, Life is beautiful 

Life is beautiful

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Poems: Tranquility


S T I L L N E S S,
the wide-eyed stillness, blinks and at once
we are awakened - softly, gently...
into the mystery
              of the spaces we breathe
                     - Seovia Amil

Mandy's Land Poetry - stillness (an  Acrostic Poem: Facebook) 

                                   'The quieter you become, 
        the more you are able to hear'.
- Rumi


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Number One Tarot Card Learning Room: The Emperor


Transform Your Life: Tap into the power  of  the Tarot 

The Major Arcana Deck (O - XXI)  

(IV) The Emperor

Number (IV):        Logic
                                     Reasoning (acceptance, measurement) 
                                     Spirit (expression)

Arcana:                   Major - represents the cycle in life while emphasising 
                                     the importance of the card's meaning and timing (i.e., a
                                     major life event and currently powerful energies at work)

Card Meaning:     Power (leadership, control and authority)
                                   Discipline (reasoning)

Element:                 Fire

Zodiac Sign:          Aries 

Planet:                     Mars (dynamic)

Symbolism: Archetypal Worlds and Key Symbols

The Human Creation World
Crown: Highest faculty - highest attainment of man in the spiritual evolution
Red Robe: The power of choice and self-conscious awareness
Sceptre: Authority, triumph and success
Sword: Air, intellect, mind and divine law of the universe - true and just
Throne: Power, strength, support
The Animal Kingdom World
Eagle: Immortality and superior forces of nature
The Landscape World
Mountains (steep): Elevated intellect


Blue: Balanced and spiritual understanding
Brown: Material plane
Gold “cosmic mind”: Universal wisdom, understanding and intuitive abilities
Orange: Vitality, success and passionate approach
Red: Element-fire, passion, acquisition and desire of any kind
White: Purity, truth, sincerity, virtue of all kinds and highest spirituality
Yellow: Element-air, mental, intellect, imagination, creativity, skill and balance

Story Line: Reading the card

I stand firm and lead by example. I have the tools and ability. I am a leader. 
The Emperor often appears in a reading when we are at the point where we need to assume control or will be given a position of responsibility and that strong foundations are in place. Further, it reminds us that we need to be act correctly with the best exertion - the need to convey structure, concentrate, focus and control the mind.

Coming next... (V) The Hierophant

Until then, as they say in Angola, "Adeus".

Dive Deep Into Astrology's Star Signs: Revelations Await

  Exploring the Zodiac Signs Snap Shot: Sun Sign Libra Photo by - created by magic media/gmlaurie - ancientpictureszodiac signs Su...