Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Interpret Psychic Symbols (Top 100): The A - Z List (Part 1: A- D)


Credit: - crow-commission: Helen Lloyd Art - nice quotes Pinterest

The Language of the Spiritual Realm

Throughout history psychic symbols have played significant roles in various cultures serving as tools for divination and communication with the spiritual world. They have and continue to act as a mirror of our subconscious, to our thoughts and feelings providing a link, a way to make contact with the spiritual realm, and aid our spiritual growth.


Explore Their Mystery and Meanings

An A- Z List of The Top 100 Symbols. The list below is by no means exhaustive, it is merely a directory of the most common and meaningful symbols likely to be encountered every day. The list is presented in four parts, Part 1: A - D, Part 2: Part 3: E - M,  O - S and finally Part 4: T - Z.

Part 1: A - D


hope, stability, steadfastness, security and calm
Angel spirituality, God, and heaven
life and eternity
strength and power



         - Dove           
         - Owl
         - Peacock
         - Pheasant
         - Raven/Crow

         - Vulture
truth, freedom, hope and higher consciousness
- peace, innocence, spiritual purity, and harmony
- wisdom, and the quest for knowledge
- success
- abundance, protection, grace and promise
- mystery, intrigue, transformation, change, 
  intuition and knowledge
- death, rebirth
Blood (red)courage and strength
journey and transition

abundance, variety and richness of life experiences

transformation, hope and rebirth



virtue, heavenly, courage and status
security, protection, power-strength and nobility
Chariot triumph through determination and self-control
Chain - linked
            - broken
union and unity
freedom and independence
Circle/sunity, creation, wholeness, oneness and divine
trouble, mystery and uncertainty
power, luck, superstition and wealth

resilience, protection, adaptability/depth and emotion

faith, healing, redemption, sacrifice, love and eternity
power, authority, immortality, righteousness,  and leadership
Cup/Chalicereceptivity, emotion/seeker of truth, purification and transformation and living and healing



elevation to a higher level,  pivotal transition and an ending leading to a new beginning 
transformation, healing, renewal, harmony  and good luck
Door - open
          - closed                       
opportunity and transition
safety, protection, imprisonment exclusion, control and privacy
Dragonawakening, transition, wisdom, strength, courage, protection and a desire for change
Dragon Flyadaptability, power of self-realisation, courage transformation and joy


Coming next...Top 100 Psychic Symbols: The A - Z List  (Part 2: E - M)


Until then, as they say in Norway, "Ha det bra' or formal 

" Farvel".

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Quotes: Change - The Only Constant


Change Is Inevitable - / great quotes

Everything in life is, 
subject to transformation.

                  ”The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it,
                    move with it,
                    and join the dance.” 

                                                           — Alan Watts.

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Number One Tarot Card Learning Room: The Chariot


Journey through the Enchanted Tarot Kingdom

The Major Arcana Deck (O - XXI)  

(VII) The Chariot


Number VII:                Fate, soul development and perfection
                                        Mystery, intuition and evaluation
                                        Safety, security, effort, and successful completion
Arcana:                         Major - represents the cycle in life while emphasising
                                        the importance of the card's meaning and timing (i.e., a
                                        major life event and currently powerful energies at work)

Card Meaning:            Control of direction - fate and path
                                        Will power and drive
                                        Self-protection and security

Element:                      Water

Zodiac Sign:             Gemini

Planet:                           Moon              

Symbolism: Archetypal Worlds and Key Symbols

The Animal World
Horses (Black and White): Life Force and the Cosmos. A symbol of opposing forces that the charioteer must learn to control. The task is to guide both horses in one direction, towards a destination - one that is marked by the cosmic forces that the charioteer represents. Unity, balance, and synthesis
The Spiritual World 
Crescent Moons (on armour): Cyclic phases, divine light, mediation, reflection, imagination, instinct, and intuition
Sun (emblazoned on chest): Denotes spiritual guidance, inspiration and navigation, blessing, and the grounding of actions in the material world
The Human World
Armour (Chest): Protection, status, strength, skill and preparedness
Chariot (The personality that carries one through life): Denotes a human journey through life and the human body’s transitory nature as it is affected by mundane life forces
Crown: Royal leader, the highest faculty in the human and highest attainment of man in the spiritual evolution, enlightened and purity of will
Wand/Sceptre: Direction, intensity, purification, authority, triumph, and success
Wheel/s: Energy of circular motion in the Cosmos, rotation, movement, revolution, cycle/s of existence and cause and effect of continual rhythm


White and Black: Duality, positive and negative and at times, opposing forces (white: purity of motive and virtue), (black: void/opposite and contradictory, i.e., conflict external and internal struggle of mind and emotion)
Deep Blue: Balanced spiritual understanding, expansion and success
Gold: The “cosmic mind,” universal union, understanding and intuitive abilities
Green/Brown: Nature accord, support, material plane and grounding energy
Orange (akin to the Sun): Strength, courage, inspiration and success

Story Line: Reading the card

I take the reins in my hands and move forward with clarity, poise and confidence. I stay resolute and trusting. I am connected and protected knowing I will reach my destination. I am going in the right direction.
The Chariot generally appears in a reading to encourage us to focus our attention. The engagement of willpower is required to overcome the mind's and emotions' irregular forces. Further, we are reminded we need to muster up the confidence and energy to meet our goals to stay the course (we on the right path). We are required to assume a position of control, to lead, not to follow. Denotes: direction, tenacity, focus, and instinct. The Chariot is all about self-control, particularly when deciding on a new direction and it marks effort and ultimate success.

Coming next... (VIII) Strength

Until then, as they say in Nigeria - Pidgin (between friends), "Oya 

nah, bye my gee or )".

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Poems: Nostalgia and Reflection



Credit: - Poem by Robert Frost's Road Not Taken

                    Choices affect life,
                   especially walking the road less travelled.
                   Taking the other path may make all the difference!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Joan of Arc: Girl, Soldier, Saint, Heretic and Saviour


Joan of Arc (1412 - 1431)

Patroness of Soldiers and of France


Who was Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) referred to herself as Jehanne la Pucelle, or Joan the Maid. She is also known as the "Maid of Orleans". Purcelle: signifies that she was a virgin - a significant distinction at the time that signified society held virginity in high regard before marriage.

Jeanne was an illiterate girl who led a French Army to victory placed a king on the throne of France and saved the kingdom of France from English Domination. A patron saint of France, Joan of Arc was honoured as a defender of the French nation for her role in the siege of Orléans and her insistence on the coronation of Charles VII of France during the Hundred Years' War. She is the only historical figure condemned and Canonised by the Catholic Church. Jeanne was Canonised as a saint by Pope Benedict XV on May 16,1920. The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) was a conflict between France and England over the legitimate succession to the French throne.

Why is she famous and St. Joan of Arc's Belief

St. Joan of Arc was a Catholic with extreme personal piety. At the young age of 13, Joan began to hear voices and receive revelations. Due to her visitations, direct communication with the Saints, she believed that God had chosen her for a specific purpose of overwhelming importance. Guided by the voices of St. Michael, St Catherine of Alexandria and St. Margaret of Antioch, Jeanne felt her mission was to aid the Dauphin Charles (later Charles VII) to expel the English and their Burgundian allies from the Valois kingdom of France and to install him as the rightful king of France.  As part of her divine mission, Joan took a vow of chastity. Acting under divine guidance of the Saints, with no military training, Joan convinced Crown Prince Charles of Valois to allow her to lead a French army to the besieged city of Orléans. In 1429, during the Hundred Year's War, at Orleans, Jeanne led the French army in a momentous victory that repulsed an English attempt to conquer France.

Joan was endowed with remarkable mental and physical courage. She possessed many attributes characteristic of the female visionaries of her time. Her claim to direct communication with the Saints and subsequent reliance upon her individual experience of God’s presence went far beyond the ministrations of the priesthood and the confines of the institutional church.

Jeanne became a military leader who transcended gender roles.  She gained recognition as a saviour of France. She also became the greatest national heroine of her compatriots. Her achievement was a decisive factor in the later awakening of French national consciousness. Her beloved country made her a national heroine. She became the spirit of France, the maiden, holy warrior, and Napoleonic symbol of opposition to the English, and for those who would defend and protect France from foreign invasion and domination. 
Joan of Arc was considered one of history’s greatest martyrs, and the patron saint of France.

The role Jeanne played in the Hundred Years' War: The Seige of Orleans

Joan was able to tell of a French defeat related to the Siege of Orleans before anyone could have known about it; thereby demonstrating her divine powers.


In 1428, Jeanne appeared at the office of Robert de Baudricourt captain of the garrison of Vaucouleurs, requesting to be taken to the dauphin. De Baudricourt laughed her away at least twice before she convinced him of the seriousness of her mission. According to events, it was during one of her visits to the captain's office, that she told him of a French defeat related to the Siege of Orleans before anyone could have known about it. Relenting Robert de Baudricourt decided to escort Joan to Chinon to meet the dauphin. When Baudricort relented, Jeanne cropped her hair and dressed in men’s clothes to make the 11-day journey across enemy territory to Chinon, site of the crown prince’s palace. Charles VII had been advised of Joan's visit and decided to test her by dressing as one of his courtiers and having one of them dress as the dauphin; if Joan were truly sent by God then she would know the true dauphin. When Joan entered the assembly, she went directly to Charles and addressed him as the dauphin. Later, in private, it is said she convinced him of her legitimacy by telling him things that he had only said to God in his prayers. Joan promised Charles she would help him reconquer his kingdom and see him crowned king. She asked him to give her an army to lead to Orléans, then under siege from the English. Against the advice of his counsellors, courtiers and general Charles granted her request and she was given a small army. At the age of seventeen, in March of 1429, dressed in white armour and riding a white horse, Jeanne set off to fend off the Seige of Orleans.

Frank Craig “Joan of Arc in Battle” 1907

Spirit of France, the maiden, holy warrior, and Napoleonic symbol of opposition to the English

Miraculous Victory, followed by Capture of Joan of Arc and Death

Jeanne led several French assaults. She enjoyed a series of spectacular military successes driving the Anglo-Burgundians from their bastion and forcing their retreat across the Loire River. After succeeding in lifting the Siege of Orleans and her miraculous victory, Joan’s reputation spread far and wide among French forces. She and her followers escorted Charles across enemy territory to Reims, taking towns that resisted by force and enabling him to be crowned King (King Charles VII in July 1429) with her by his side. Following Charles's coronation, Georges de La Trémoille, a favourite of his at court warns the king that Joan is becoming too powerful.

During this time the Anglo-Burgundians fortify their positions in Paris and turn back an attack led by Joan in September. In the spring of 1430, the king ordered Joan to confront a Burgundian assault on Compiège. In her effort to defend the town and its inhabitants, she was thrown from her horse and was left outside the town’s gates as they closed. The Burgundians took her captive and brought her amid much fanfare to the castle of Bouvreuil, occupied by the English commander at Rouen where she was sold to them. The English could not prosecute a woman who claimed she was serving God but could not allow even the suggestion she was telling the truth because that would mean that God was on the French side of the conflict. 

In the trial that followed, Joan was ordered to answer to some 70 charges against her, including witchcraft heresy and dressing like a man. The Anglo-Burgundians were aiming to get rid of the young leader as well as discredit Charles, who owed his coronation to her. In attempting to distance himself from an accused heretic and witch, the French king made no attempt to negotiate Joan’s release. In May 1431, after a year in captivity and under threat of death, Joan relented and signed a confession denying that she had ever received divine guidance. Several days later, however, she defied orders by again donning men’s clothes, and authorities pronounced her death sentence. Finally, Jeanne was tried as a heretic for witchcraft and on the morning on May 30,1431, at the age of 19, she was taken to the old marketplace of Rouen and burned at the stake.

At the time of her death, few witnesses doubted Jeanne's salvation. The trial of Joan of Arc was reviewed as early as 1452 and found to be invalid. Jeanne was exonerated and her sentence was annulled by Pope Calixtus III in 1455-1456. She was proclaimed a martyr in 1456. By the time she was Canonised on May 16,1920, Joan of Arc was considered one of history’s greatest martyrs. Jeanne was canonised as a Virgin and not as a Christian martyr. Jeanne is one of the patron saints of France in the modern day.


Saint, Heroic Woman and Martyr

Jeanne’s legacy is global. She is one of the most studied people of the Middle Ages. Her image, changing over time, has included being the saviour of France, an obedient daughter of the Roman Catholic Church, an early feminist, and a symbol of freedom and independence. 


Her death only made her more powerful. Jeanne's fame only increased after her death. Long before her canonisation she had attained mythic stature. In 1909 Joan of Arc was beatified in the famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris by Pope Pius X. A statue in the cathedral of Jeanne d’Arc, who eventually became the patron saint of France, pays tribute to her legacy. 

Since the time of her death, Joan of Arc has inspired thousands of historians, poets, painters and writers such as William Shakespeare, Voltaire and Mark Twain.

Hermann Stilke, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Our next Legend, Influencer, Renowned Figure and Prophetic Voice 
will be Rumi - The Great Sufi Mystic, Poet of East and West, Philosopher, Scholar, Theologian and Free Thinker. 

Until then, as they say in Malaysia, "Selamat Tinggal ".

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Quotes: The Soul


Dance the dance, of the soul


Credit: - nice quotes: Rumi

                                 The soul serves: witnessing all that we are,
                                                  relishing our intellectual perfection.

credit: - Arthur Balfour quote: Every human soul is of infinite...

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dive Deep Into Astrology's Star Signs: Revelations Await


Exploring the Zodiac Signs

Snap Shot: Sun Sign Libra

Photo by - created by magic media/gmlaurie - ancientpictureszodiac signs

Sun Sign and Symbol              Libra: The Scales
                                                          Human ability to connect with others.
                                                            Symbolises balance, harmony, beauty, justice
                                                            fairness, partnership and symmetry.
                                                            Associated with collaboration and the desire
                                                            to create equilibrium in all areas of life. 
                                                            Peace Keeper. 
Ruling Planet                               Venus: Ability to appreciate beauty on all
                                                            levels including the power of money.
                                                            Governs: Pleasure, harmony,  romance,
                                                            beauty, peace, diplomacy and cooperation.
                                                            Rules: Values  and discrimination, the 
                                                            ability to love and relate (Love to love) and
                                                            sense of self-esteem. Associated with
                                                            sensuality and the arts. Influences how we 
                                                            socialise, relate to and attract others.
 Element                                         Air: Mental and cognitive (carefree, light, and 
                                                            fast). Equilibrium. Represents diplomacy, 
                                                            social interaction, partnership, intellectual
                                                            engagement, collaboration, communication,
                                                            nature, beauty and multiple perspectives. 
 Traits (keywords)                    Positive: Gentle, loving, fair, practical, wise
                                                            helpful, comforting, empathetic towards
                                                            people, chirpy, composed, amiable, charming,
                                                            well-balanced, act responsibly, crazy 
                                                            protective (the Knight in Shinning Amour or  
                                                            Mama Beer), the ability to weigh  different
                                                            perspectives and justice-orientated
                                                           Negative: Superficial, indifferent, vain, love
                                                            of convenience, indecisive, sceptical, overly
                                                            think and cautious, restless, overly
                                                            apprehensive, self-indulgent, frivolous,
                                                            override their convictions to appease 
                                                            others (won't rock the boat) and if they 
                                                            miscalculate they become arrogant                                                                                                                                                                       
Driving Force                             Crave balance and fairness and seek harmony  
(feelings and emotions)         in relationships and environment-not 
                                                            impulsive they stop, observe, contemplate   
                                                            and then act. Thrive on things being orderly
                                                            and aesthetically pleasing. A diplomatic
                                                            spirit. A need to make everyone feel special.
                                                            Crave physical and emotional attention. Self-
                                                            satisfied and tend to stick to their own agendas.
                                                            Like a  firm control over their feelings
                                                            (acknowledge only when they deem it
                                                            necessary). Want people to believe they are 
                                                            cold with zero vulnerability, however, they are
                                                            one of the most emotional zodiac signs -Their 
                                                            emotions and thoughts eat away at them, they
                                                            are in constant battle inside. An inability to
                                                            confront affects their mental peace.
Ruling Body Parts                    Kidneys, bladder, veins and lower back.
                                                            Endocrine system
Compatibility                             Best friends: Aries, Taurus, and Pisces 
                                                         Soul mate/Love: Air signs, Leo, Sagittarius, 
                                                            and Aquarius
                                                            Worst match: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and  
Colours                                         Blue and pink (pastel)
                                                            Blue - Signifies balance and cool head 
                                                            (harmony). Represents: Fairness, honesty,
                                                            co-operation and intelligence
                                                            Pink - Symbolises: Tender love, warmness, 
                                                            kindness, beauty, innocence and peace
                                                            Secondary: Green (pastel)
Lucky Day and Number        Friday: Love, beauty, harmony, stability, and
                                                            security- money and possessions
                                                            6: Symbolises - harmony, balance, fairness,
                                                            domesticity, peacemaker, justice and 
                                                            aesthetics  - environment and surroundings
Other influences                       Flowers: Rose
                                                            Secondary: Hydrangea
                                                            Modern Opal/Peridot
                                                            Traditional Sapphire
                                                             Mystical Jasper
                                                             Health and Healing Foods: The Cell
                                                             Salt is Potassium Phosphate. Foods include:
                                                             Asparagus, almonds (oil), brown rice, peas,
                                                             beets, spinach, corn, oatmeal, basil, wheat
                                                             raspberries, blackberries, raisins, apples,  
                                                             pears, cashews, nuts, dates, cinnamon,
                                                             pennyroyal and sorrel. Herb: Lady's Mantle
                                                             Superfood: Pomegranate, use milk and fruit
                                                             Avoid: meat diet, spicy food and foods with 
                                                             lots of sugar

Photo by NY Post Photo composite; Getty 

Coming next is Scorpio (The Scorpion), Oct 23 - Nov 21.

Until then, as they say in Mongolia, "Bayartai".

Interpret Psychic Symbols (Top 100): The A - Z List (Part 1: A- D)

  Credit: - crow-commission: Helen Lloyd Art - nice quotes Pinterest The Language of the Spiritual Realm Thr...